Nov 29, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 6

1- Multipurpose Room (adj): I learned this word when I had class last week, this word meaning many goals in one room ex. Our multipurpose Room is equiped as follows: instrucor computer, screen, LCD progector, CD/DVD, station high speed internet and local telephone service. 

2- Advertisment (n): It is a picture and words to sell products, ex. some companies need advertisement to sell thier products./ I learned this word when I was studing for a Quest test.

3- Baby Boomers (n): It's the 80 million Americans born between 1946-1964/ I hearded this word when I was learned las week.

4- Welfare (n): It's meaning well doing or well being in any respect./ I heard this wrod when I heard the new from CNN channel news.

5- Thanks Giving Day (n):  This word many times used at united state in Thanks Giving day it's the time to give thanks to god for the harvest and express gratitude to others for our blessing./ I heard this word at TIEP when they were do the Thanks Giving Party then I went to internet to see what is this day meaning.

6- Surtax (n):  It's meaning a higher rate of taxed levied on incomes above a certain level. / I heard this word from CN channel on TV.

Nov 22, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 5

1- Marine: Relating with sea(adj) or soldier serving on a ship/ when I read some information about King Abdullah of science and technology university I read this word.

2- Water Desalination: Removing slat from ocean by using various technologies/ I read this word from King Abdullah of science and technology.

3- Chairman: It means the head of a comittee./ I read this word from some book that I had it.

4-Glance: (v) Quick look or emit a flash of light./ I read this word when i was searching something about my article. 

5- Collar: (n) It means the part of a shirt, dress that goes rounf the neck./ I learned this word when I read the fruitcake story.

6-Sort: (n)  A group of things with common attributes; a class or kind. / I learned this word when I finished read fruitcake story.

Nov 19, 2009

News Of Choice -8

Dell Installs Solar Trees in HQ Parking Lot

          This article about solar energy and we can uses as in the furture as the source. Dells made many solar energy cells the shape for its is the tree. Dell has stepped up to the plate and hopefully the Dell solar trees parking lot is a sign of greater things to come. The Dell solar parking lot by Envision Solar is a very innovative way that Dell has implemented solar powered lights and it is something that is immediately making an impact. The solar trees serve not only the purpose of gathering the suns energy as a viable energy source, but even provides shade over about 50 parking spaces as well! The lot was made viewable from the highway so Dell can let everyone know that solar power is the way to go.

        The solar energy is very interesting.We can use solar energy as a source of energy in life substitute for electricity in some matters of life and to reduce the electricity charges are less expensive and can be used at home and in communications online and in luminescent and many things.

News Of Choice - 7

Sounds During Sleep May Help You Remember

This article about sounds during the sleep may help you to remember. You may not be able to learn a foreign language in your sleep, but you can strengthen certain memories, according to a study in the journal Science.The study, led by researchers at Northwestern University, found that hearing certain sounds during a nap helped people remember information associated with those sounds once they woke up.Rudoy and a team of researchers thought it might be possible to influence which memories the brain strengthened during sleep. So they recruited a dozen volunteers and taught them to play a special game on the computer.Once brain monitors showed that a person was deeply asleep, the scientists began to play the sound cues for some, but not all, of the images.

I think that sleep is very important to be able to focus in the human affairs of life. Also I heard abd read about the same this article there is studies about this A recent scientific study conducted by researchers at Harvard University in Boston, America, that sleep works to improve mental and cognitive capacity of the human person and thus help remember information private school.
And preached the study on the effect of sleep on declarative memory aspects of dealing with the facts and events, to the adult students of university age. 

Through the comparison between individuals who Khaldoa to sleep and others deprived him the researchers found that the first group they have the ability to recover most of what they have learned, as compared to other colleagues, our newspaper reported the Middle East. 
Previous studies have shown that sleep plays an active role in focusing the memory and coherence, as well as an effect of sleep on learning effectiveness, particularly on aspects of memory associated with sensory perception.

Reaction about comments:
I agree with Rolf that she said I respectfully disagree Chris. Being a 'student' of said subliminal persuasion and the like, (the non bogus type), I am quite serious about this and it totally works. Its the closed minds that don't allow it to be effective. There are some excellent programs available and they have changed my life, all in a positive way. I work better, live better, sleep when I want, etc...
Also Jonathan Miller (JMills) that she said I wonder if the emotions associated with the pieces of knowlege are also strenghthened / understood better when presented to subjects during girlfriend and I put a new tag on my dog's collar that makes an annoying ringing sound with every step my dog takes...while we were sleeping, our dog (Budget) was walking around the house clinking her collar. When we woke up I had to take the collar off; almost as if the ringing of the collar reinforced / strenghthened the negative feelings i felt towards the sound before i went to sleep. Interested to see an experiment that explores intensity of happy / sad responses towards sounds associated with events, before and after a nap during which these sounds were played for the participants.

Nov 15, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 4

1- Binder (n): Four meaning for this word: 1.  a cover for sheets of paper, for a book, etc.2. a substance that acts cohesively. 3. a reaping machine that binds grain into sheaves. 4. a bookbinder./ I read this word from Quest book.

2- Deface: Spoil the appearnce of or make illegible/ I read this word whent I study for reading test. 

3- Creepy (adj): Given to creeping or having producting a creeping of the flesh ( a creepy film)./ I heard this word from crtoon in Tv when my sister children watched.

4- Mosey: Slang walk in a leisurely manner./ I heard this word from Tv when I sat  with my sister children.

5- Nerd: (nurd) Orig US slang a foolish, feeble or uninteresting person./ I heard this word from Tv.

6- Slash: (v) 1. Make a sweeping or random cut or cuts with a knife, sword, whip, etc. 2. Make such a cut or cuts at. 3. Make a long narrow gash or gashes in. 4. reduce (prices). / I heard this word when I watched Tv.

Nov 13, 2009

News Of Choice-6

Can scientists make a space elevator?


This article about how to make elevator to easy connect the earth with other planets.

I think this work is great for future and to easy connect with other planets.The benefits of a fully realized elevator would make carrying people and goods into space cheaper, easier and safer than with rocket launches, proponents say, opening up a host of possibilities but we are not excluding risks.

New Of Choice- 5

NASA Unveils Plan To Unstick A Mars Rover

This article about NASA Unveils Plan To Unstick A Mars Rover. NASA has announced a plan to extricate its rover Spirit, which has been stuck in a Martian sand trap since April. The space agency will begin transmitting commands to the exploration robot on Monday. Based on tests conducted on Earth this spring that simulated conditions at the Martian site, researchers do not expect the effort to be quick or easy.

This work is great, but many times risks of life, the fact I love a lot of space flight and to explore what is strange in the other planets.

Nov 8, 2009

Six Wekly Words- 3

1- Portable: Easily movable ex, portable computer./When I went to Wallmart shopping I bought bookcase then I read it this word in the box for it .

2- Guard: Suprise or keep watch by( a door) to control entry or exit./I read this word in Gladiator book.

3- Polarized: Restrict the vibrations of light to one direction or divide into two or give magnetic to body or substance./When I bought the speciall Portable lamp I read this word in portable lamp box.

4- Adjustable: Capable of being changed so as to match or fit or capable of being regulated./ When I check my account in Internet I read this word in Bank of America online.

5- Squeaking: A short shrill cry as of a mouse or slight high-pithched sound as of an unoiled./ I heard this word from Sponge Bob when I sat with my sister children.

 6- Shake something up: Two meaning: 1). Lit. to shake a container to mix its contents together well.  2). Fig. to reorganize a group or organization, not always in a gentle way./ I read this word when I am  searching about something in Intenet.


Nov 5, 2009

News Of Choice-4

Dubai to build world's longest arch bridge 

Dubai plans to build the world's longest arch bridge at a cost of 3 billion dirhams ($816.9 million), the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) said on Tuesday.Once complete the bridge will overtake the Lupu Bridge in Shanghai as the longest in the world.

I think that the construction of the bridge arch is a fun thing, a great and wonderful expect  that the roads much easier and reduces traffic congestion. 

News Of Choice - 3

Future Designer laptop – ROLLTOP

This article about a new designer Laptop in the future. The device of the flexible display allows a new concept in notebook design growing out of the traditional bookformed laptop into unfurling and convolving portable computer.

This ROLLTOP is so cool. It is easy to use in any way, navigate, gentle and attractive. we can do many things by it in any place and it's easy to connect to internet. When this company case making the commercial version and display shops for sale, I will buy it In sha Allah.

Nov 1, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 2

Feedback/ Information about the result of an experiment/ when I went to Best Buy shopping To buy headphone I read this word in Receipt.  
Brassy/(adj). Like brass, impudent, loud and blaring /when I sat with my sister children and their watched Sponge Bob on TV I heard this word.
Senate/ The governing body of a university or of a college /also this word I heard from Sponge Bob Cartoon on TV. 
4-Square Root:
Square Root/ The number that multiplied by itself gives a specified number /when I was reading in some books about mathematics I read it this word .
Shell/ The hard outer case of many marine mollucs/ I heard this word  from Sponge Bob Cartton On TV.

Prohibited/ Forbid, esp. by authority or prevent / I read this word in Best Buy shop Receipt.

Oct 30, 2009

News Of Choice - 2

Eating Animals Is Making Us Sick
This article about eating animals and the resking results on ate it. If the way we raise animals for food isn't the most important problem in the world right now, it's arguably the No. 1 cause of global warming: The United Nations reports the livestock business generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined.It's the No. 1 cause of animal suffering, a decisive factor in the creation of zoonotic diseases like bird and swine flu, and the list goes on. It is the problem with the most deafening silence surrounding it. 
We need a better way to talk about eating animals, a way that doesn't ignore or even just shruggingly accept things like habits, cravings, family and history but rather incorporates them into the conversation. The more they are allowed in, the more able we will be to follow our best instincts. And although there are many respectable ways to think about meat, there is not a person on Earth whose best instincts would lead him or her to factory farming.

I accepted with many information at this article because many people in the world ate the animals specially eating meat then after a little time they became so sick and had a problem in thier stomach because they didn't cooked the meat very well. When I cooked the meat I put it  for an hour and until the water reached the boiling point and the harmful worms in the meat died. And many things in animals is so danger I don't know how the people like to eat all things in the animals !! I read it about many risks about it.

Oct 25, 2009

Weekly Words - Six New Words -

I learned this new 6 words of this week..

Agenty/ A person who acts for another in business etc.

It's a noun. Two meaning:-Solidification by cooling or freezing. -The process of forming a gel.

Platybus/ Australian aquatic egg-laying mammal ornithorhynchus quatins, having a soft pliable bil shaped like a duck's weebed feet and sleek grey fur.

Resilience/It is the property of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically and then, upon unloading to have this energy recovered. In other words, it is the maximum energy per unit volume that can be elastically stored. It is represented by the area under the curve in the elastic region in the Stress-Strain diagram.

Strain/ Many meaning for it:

Strain (biology), a variant of a plant, virus or bacterium; or an inbred animal used for experimental purposes.

Strain (chemistry), a chemical stress of a molecule.

Strain (mechanics) geometrical measure of deformation representing the relative displacement between particles in a material body, i.e. a measure of how much a given displacement differs locally from a rigid-body displacement.

Strain (injury), an injury to a muscle in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of over stretching.

Strain (manga), manga written by Yoshiyuki Okamura, and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami.

Strain (music), a series of musical phrases that create a distinct melody of a piece.

is a device or tactic intended to catch an intruder or an enemy.

Oct 23, 2009

Dirt Blog

I think Maximus picked up the dirt to repair he was strong now and he can kill all unjust on the world! and he maybe made that to start the battle. The meaning of this action, I think he wanted to explain his job or work for all soldiers you can be strong and fight and overcome them and in one day will be to dust.

Oct 22, 2009

News Of Choice Summary + Link

Bad sleeping 'doubles heart risk'

Researchers say both too much and too little sleep is linked to a doubled risk of fatal cardiovascular disease. They found a doubled risk among those who cut their sleeping from seven to five hours a night compared to those who stuck to seven hours a night. But the risk was similar for those who increased to at least eight hours. The researchers took into account other possible factors such age, sex, marital status, employment grade, smoking status and physical activity.
Professor Cappuccio said lack of sleep had been linked to an increased risk of weight gain, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

However, he said the link between too much sleep and poor health was less clear, although he suggested that staying in bed for prolonged periods could be a sign of depression, or, in some cases, cancer-related fatigue.

Increased risk of heart disease with increased number of deaths from self-effort and lack of comfort and lack of sleep is good it's around the world. It's often the students and staff for not taking enough rest and sleep well. You must do an awareness campaign to reduce heart disease, which causes the increase in cases of death in the world.

Introduction About Me

Hi, I am Fatema. I am from Saudi Arabia (Eastern Region). I came to USA to learn English Language because I want to study at one of the Universities here. I hope to study on Houston. I choose medical physics major because I like it. It's strong major and it has many benefit informations. My favorite hobbies are travelling all the world, setting near beach specially Arabian Gulf beach and see to the sea.