Nov 22, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 5

1- Marine: Relating with sea(adj) or soldier serving on a ship/ when I read some information about King Abdullah of science and technology university I read this word.

2- Water Desalination: Removing slat from ocean by using various technologies/ I read this word from King Abdullah of science and technology.

3- Chairman: It means the head of a comittee./ I read this word from some book that I had it.

4-Glance: (v) Quick look or emit a flash of light./ I read this word when i was searching something about my article. 

5- Collar: (n) It means the part of a shirt, dress that goes rounf the neck./ I learned this word when I read the fruitcake story.

6-Sort: (n)  A group of things with common attributes; a class or kind. / I learned this word when I finished read fruitcake story.

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