1- Portable: Easily movable ex, portable computer./When I went to Wallmart shopping I bought bookcase then I read it this word in the box for it .
2- Guard: Suprise or keep watch by( a door) to control entry or exit./I read this word in Gladiator book.
3- Polarized: Restrict the vibrations of light to one direction or divide into two or give magnetic to body or substance./When I bought the speciall Portable lamp I read this word in portable lamp box.
4- Adjustable: Capable of being changed so as to match or fit or capable of being regulated./ When I check my account in Internet I read this word in Bank of America online.
5- Squeaking: A short shrill cry as of a mouse or slight high-pithched sound as of an unoiled./ I heard this word from Sponge Bob when I sat with my sister children.
6- Shake something up: Two meaning: 1). Lit. to shake a container to mix its contents together well. 2). Fig. to reorganize a group or organization, not always in a gentle way./ I read this word when I am searching about something in Intenet.
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