Nov 1, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 2

Feedback/ Information about the result of an experiment/ when I went to Best Buy shopping To buy headphone I read this word in Receipt.  
Brassy/(adj). Like brass, impudent, loud and blaring /when I sat with my sister children and their watched Sponge Bob on TV I heard this word.
Senate/ The governing body of a university or of a college /also this word I heard from Sponge Bob Cartoon on TV. 
4-Square Root:
Square Root/ The number that multiplied by itself gives a specified number /when I was reading in some books about mathematics I read it this word .
Shell/ The hard outer case of many marine mollucs/ I heard this word  from Sponge Bob Cartton On TV.

Prohibited/ Forbid, esp. by authority or prevent / I read this word in Best Buy shop Receipt.

1 comment:

  1. i dear teacher.:)
    thank you so much for your comment. Sponge Bob Cartoons was so funny and always my sister children watched !Yea I think we can learn many vocabulary from cartoons
