Nov 19, 2009

News Of Choice - 7

Sounds During Sleep May Help You Remember

This article about sounds during the sleep may help you to remember. You may not be able to learn a foreign language in your sleep, but you can strengthen certain memories, according to a study in the journal Science.The study, led by researchers at Northwestern University, found that hearing certain sounds during a nap helped people remember information associated with those sounds once they woke up.Rudoy and a team of researchers thought it might be possible to influence which memories the brain strengthened during sleep. So they recruited a dozen volunteers and taught them to play a special game on the computer.Once brain monitors showed that a person was deeply asleep, the scientists began to play the sound cues for some, but not all, of the images.

I think that sleep is very important to be able to focus in the human affairs of life. Also I heard abd read about the same this article there is studies about this A recent scientific study conducted by researchers at Harvard University in Boston, America, that sleep works to improve mental and cognitive capacity of the human person and thus help remember information private school.
And preached the study on the effect of sleep on declarative memory aspects of dealing with the facts and events, to the adult students of university age. 

Through the comparison between individuals who Khaldoa to sleep and others deprived him the researchers found that the first group they have the ability to recover most of what they have learned, as compared to other colleagues, our newspaper reported the Middle East. 
Previous studies have shown that sleep plays an active role in focusing the memory and coherence, as well as an effect of sleep on learning effectiveness, particularly on aspects of memory associated with sensory perception.

Reaction about comments:
I agree with Rolf that she said I respectfully disagree Chris. Being a 'student' of said subliminal persuasion and the like, (the non bogus type), I am quite serious about this and it totally works. Its the closed minds that don't allow it to be effective. There are some excellent programs available and they have changed my life, all in a positive way. I work better, live better, sleep when I want, etc...
Also Jonathan Miller (JMills) that she said I wonder if the emotions associated with the pieces of knowlege are also strenghthened / understood better when presented to subjects during girlfriend and I put a new tag on my dog's collar that makes an annoying ringing sound with every step my dog takes...while we were sleeping, our dog (Budget) was walking around the house clinking her collar. When we woke up I had to take the collar off; almost as if the ringing of the collar reinforced / strenghthened the negative feelings i felt towards the sound before i went to sleep. Interested to see an experiment that explores intensity of happy / sad responses towards sounds associated with events, before and after a nap during which these sounds were played for the participants.


  1. Hi dear teacher, this my comment because this article in closed! I can't put my comment!..

    Wow! this article intersting..
    When I was 16 years old, I had a final exam late at 3 pm, and I didn't sleep. I wanted to sleep beacuse I couldn't focus, byt I didn't finish :( then I told my sister " If you can read the rest of the aricle exam, I'll put my head tp sleep and be in a relaxed state". During the day the next day, when I went to test, the things that I rememberes my sister read to me more than the other things I had studied awake..

  2. Perfect, Fatema. This is what we said to do since the NPR articles are closed. I wanted to tell you in class that I really liked this comment - it's a good story, and we should try to do this more often!;)
