Nov 15, 2009

Six Weekly Words - 4

1- Binder (n): Four meaning for this word: 1.  a cover for sheets of paper, for a book, etc.2. a substance that acts cohesively. 3. a reaping machine that binds grain into sheaves. 4. a bookbinder./ I read this word from Quest book.

2- Deface: Spoil the appearnce of or make illegible/ I read this word whent I study for reading test. 

3- Creepy (adj): Given to creeping or having producting a creeping of the flesh ( a creepy film)./ I heard this word from crtoon in Tv when my sister children watched.

4- Mosey: Slang walk in a leisurely manner./ I heard this word from Tv when I sat  with my sister children.

5- Nerd: (nurd) Orig US slang a foolish, feeble or uninteresting person./ I heard this word from Tv.

6- Slash: (v) 1. Make a sweeping or random cut or cuts with a knife, sword, whip, etc. 2. Make such a cut or cuts at. 3. Make a long narrow gash or gashes in. 4. reduce (prices). / I heard this word when I watched Tv.

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