I learned this new 6 words of this week..
Agenty/ A person who acts for another in business etc.
Gelation/ It's a noun. Two meaning:-Solidification by cooling or freezing. -The process of forming a gel.
Gelation/ It's a noun. Two meaning:-Solidification by cooling or freezing. -The process of forming a gel.
Platybus/ Australian aquatic egg-laying mammal ornithorhynchus quatins, having a soft pliable bil shaped like a duck's weebed feet and sleek grey fur.
Resilience/It is the property of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically and then, upon unloading to have this energy recovered. In other words, it is the maximum energy per unit volume that can be elastically stored. It is represented by the area under the curve in the elastic region in the Stress-Strain diagram.
Strain/ Many meaning for it:
Strain (biology), a variant of a plant, virus or bacterium; or an inbred animal used for experimental purposes.
Strain (mechanics) geometrical measure of deformation representing the relative displacement between particles in a material body, i.e. a measure of how much a given displacement differs locally from a rigid-body displacement.
Strain (injury), an injury to a muscle in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of over stretching.
Strain (manga), manga written by Yoshiyuki Okamura, and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami.
Trap/ is a device or tactic intended to catch an intruder or an enemy.
Trap/ is a device or tactic intended to catch an intruder or an enemy.
ReplyDeleteI like the pink. I recommend you write your words where they come from. I think you did a good job.